G a b r i e l p i a n i s t @ g m a i l . c o m |
g . r u i z - b e r n a l @ l e v i n e m u s i c . o r g |
Gabriel Ruiz-Bernal, a Spanish composer, pianist, organist, and producer based in the Washington, DC area, began his musical journey in Melilla, Spain, and continued his studies at the Conservatorio Superior de Música in Málaga. Winner of the XXI Fidelio Competition for Piano Composition in Madrid, Gabriel has performed internationally as a soloist, chamber musician, and with orchestras, including premiering his own compositions. He has also served as a judge in piano competitions.
Gabriel's diversified musical portfolio includes classical, jazz, and his own compositions. He has recorded works ranging from Bach to Gershwin, and participated in film scoring, with one film receiving a New York Emmy nomination. His notable teachers include Carmen Arana, Alfredo Gil, Eva Pierrou, Elizabeth Caluda, Bob Larson, and Jacinto Choza. Gabriel pursued further studies at Yale and NYU Steinhardt and is currently on the piano faculty at the Levine School of Music in Washington, DC. In his free time, Gabriel enjoys sailing, kayaking, biking, running, and hiking. He and his wife Lisa frequently travel to Spain to visit family and friends. EDUCATION |
Gabriel Ruiz-Bernal, ganador del Concurso Internacional de Composición para Piano "Fidelio" de Madrid, es compositor, pianista, organista y productor establecido en Washington, D.C. Su afición por la música comenzó en su ciudad natal de Melilla y continuó en el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Málaga.
Gabriel ha desarrollado una trayectoria como solista, músico de cámara y con orquestas, estrenando sus propias composiciones y participando en tribunales de concursos. Ha recibido numerosos premios y es conocido por su versatilidad en la música clásica y jazz. Sus grabaciones abarcan desde Bach hasta Gershwin y sus propias obras. Colabora en proyectos de música para escena y pantalla, con una nominación a un Emmy en Nueva York. Agradecido a sus maestros, Carmen Arana, Alfredo Gil, Bernat Ríos, Eva Pierrou, Elizabeth Caluda, Bob Larson y Jacinto Choza. También ha realizado estudios en Yale y NYU Steinhardt. Actualmente, es profesor en la Levine School of Music de Washington, D.C. En su tiempo libre, Gabriel disfruta de la vela, el kayak de mar, el ciclismo y el senderismo. Él y su esposa Lisa viajan con frecuencia a España para visitar a familiares y amigos. |
Doctor of Philosophy. Universidad Hispalense de Sevilla, Spain
Masters in Piano Performance, Classical piano repertory with a minor in Jazz. Shenandoah Conservatory in Winchester, Virginia
Bachelors Degree and Title of Professor. Piano, French Horn, Music Theory. Conservatorio Superior de Málaga, Spain
Continuing studies in Music. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Workshops and studies on film scoring (ASCAP). New York University Steinhardt, New York City
Composition studies. Frances McKay DMA. Levine School of Music, Washington, D.C.
Continuing studies in Music Technology. Chris Brown. Levine School of Music, Washington, D.C.
Piano Faculty. Piano Department and Jazz-piano Department. Levine School of Music. Washington, D.C.
Visiting Faculty (former). Department of Music. University of Seville, Spain
Adjunct Faculty (former). Piano Department. Shenandoah University. Winchester, VA
Compositions by commission for the concert stage. Works for orchestra, choirs, soloists, instrumental ensembles and soloists
Compositions for film and documentaries. Working with film directors and producers individually or as part of team of composers
Orchestrator and collaborator with composers. Projects include composing sections, developing themes, orchestrating, preparing orchestra parts, arranging, rehearsing with musicians, preparing and directing recording sessions. Conducting recording sessions, editing, mixing and final delivery.
Published arranger. Jazz piano solo arrangements published by "Sheet Music Direct", and "Sheet Music Plus", both subsidiaries of Hal Leonard.
Doctor of Philosophy. Universidad Hispalense de Sevilla, Spain
Masters in Piano Performance, Classical piano repertory with a minor in Jazz. Shenandoah Conservatory in Winchester, Virginia
Bachelors Degree and Title of Professor. Piano, French Horn, Music Theory. Conservatorio Superior de Málaga, Spain
Continuing studies in Music. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Workshops and studies on film scoring (ASCAP). New York University Steinhardt, New York City
Composition studies. Frances McKay DMA. Levine School of Music, Washington, D.C.
Continuing studies in Music Technology. Chris Brown. Levine School of Music, Washington, D.C.
Piano Faculty. Piano Department and Jazz-piano Department. Levine School of Music. Washington, D.C.
Visiting Faculty (former). Department of Music. University of Seville, Spain
Adjunct Faculty (former). Piano Department. Shenandoah University. Winchester, VA
Compositions by commission for the concert stage. Works for orchestra, choirs, soloists, instrumental ensembles and soloists
Compositions for film and documentaries. Working with film directors and producers individually or as part of team of composers
Orchestrator and collaborator with composers. Projects include composing sections, developing themes, orchestrating, preparing orchestra parts, arranging, rehearsing with musicians, preparing and directing recording sessions. Conducting recording sessions, editing, mixing and final delivery.
Published arranger. Jazz piano solo arrangements published by "Sheet Music Direct", and "Sheet Music Plus", both subsidiaries of Hal Leonard.
Gabriel has a YouTube channel: